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The Rand Cam engine was invented by James McCann and first patented in 1981. In 1986, Reg Technologies, Inc., based in Vancouver, British Columbia, acquired 40% interest in his invention and subsequently built a next generation Rand Cam Engine prototype in 1989.

REGI US, Inc. was created in 1994 to represent Rand Cam licensing rights for the US. In the following years, Reg Technologies and REGI US acquired 100% rights to all patented technologies.

RadMax Technologies, Inc. was created as a wholly owned subsidiary of REGI US in 2007. All current RadMax patents represent a significant leap forward from the original technology.

Up to the present time, four generations of engine, compressor, pump, and expander prototypes have been designed and tested for multiple applications.

By the end of 2015, RadMax had evolved the rotary technology to the extent that 5 new patents had been awarded or were under consideration. These evolutions have expanded the possibilities and applications for this technology.

In 2016, the company was restructured as an engineering development company operating under the RadMax Technologies name and relocated to Spokane, WA, to refocus development efforts. With the reorganization, REGI US has acquired all assets of Reg Technologies and consolidated all global patent and marketing rights.